F.V. Restorations and Repairs
Specialist in Military Vehicles

Mechanical repairs and restorations carried out on ex-military vehicles from 1930's to present day.

40 years in vehicle engineering, of that, 22 years working in REME workshops on military vehicles for British Forces. This business was established in 1996 and has customers around the World, inc. collections and museums. Having also been a collector of military vehicles for 30 years, I understand customers requirements and have a wide background knowledge.

Predominantly specialising in British and Canadian built vehicles, such as Daimler and Humber scout and armoured cars, Bedford, Austin, Morris Commercial, Fordson and CMP trucks...........and many more.

Engine and transmission rebuilds. Parts sourced.

For Daimler Dingo scout car; canvas and sheet metal work parts can be made and supplied to order, please enquire.

Photos on this page show examples of restorations and repair work that have been carried out.

Workshop situated at Appledore, near Ashford, Kent.
Please phone for an appointment and location details before visiting workshop, thank you.


Click images to enlarge

All correspondance to; "Greenways", Lees Road, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0NW, UK

E Mail
Tel: Richard Farrant on 07770 378253 (work)
and 01233 627618 (evenings only)
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