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WW2 Wireless Set No19

Complete vehicle set suitable for Carrier, Dingo, etc.
American lend lease 19 set , manufactured by Zenith.
Complete with power supply (Canadian), 2 x dog bone, variometer, with lead,earth cable, rare power lead, morse key, 2 headsets, fob watch holder, radio tray and radio guards.
Spares boxes antenna and rods, and a operators lamp.
The set is nice condition, exhibiting age related wear,the inside seems complete and good condition,all knobs, are present and all work as they should, complete with correct GSTP fob watch bakelite holder.
Power supply, again is complete and nice,the case has been repainted olive drab.
Variometer, is nice condition, with lead and original paint, Morse key, is lovely condition. Dog bone is new old stock, as is the earth cable.
The set does power up. A lovely complete and honest 19 set, complete with all components.

Despite Covid, we continue to trade normally, following the government's safety guidance.
Our yard is staffed every working day. Visits only by appointment please.
We continue to import and export all types of collectors ex-military material worldwide.

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