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Keston Militaria Fairs

Keston Militaria Fairs - held at Keston Village Hall Heathfield Road Keston Kent BR2 6BF
We have a wide variety of dealers specialising in Medals, Badges, Edged Weapons, Uniforms, Equipment, Headgear, Ephemera and everything in between from all countries and all periods of history .
Stalls are booked in advance at £25.00 per table.
Opening times 8.00am - 12.00 Noon.
Admission £2.00
For details please call Darren 07796 950764 or
Fair dates are every two months

24th November
2nd March
4th May
20th July
7th September
2nd November

Aiding Macmillan Cancer Support.
We look forward to meeting you at Keston.

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