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FlaK SW 34

The FlaK SW 34 or Scheinwerfer 34 was a searchlight that was used by Germany during WWII.
Description It had a diameter of 150 centimeters and used parabolic glass reflectors. In order to function, the SW 34 required a generator to power it.
This generator could power it from as much as 200 meters away through a special cable.
The searchlight itself required a current of 200 amperes at 110 volts of power.[1] For mobility, the SW 34 was oftentimes placed on the Sonderanhänger 104 Trailer as was its accompanying generator. A crew of at least seven men was required to operate the machine.
It could be traversed a full 360 degrees and had an elevation range of -12 degrees to 192 degrees. The engagement range of the searchlight was up to 8 kilometers away with the beam of light reaching as much as 5,000 meters up. Reliability in the field was good and it played a crucial role in FlaK fire control in the war against air attacks. Oftentimes, the searchlights were used along with the Ringtricherichtungshörer 34 to located incoming aircraft in even the worst conditions.
Variants The only variant of the SW 34 was the Scheinwerfer 37 which had introduced various minor modifications to the original design. Most improvements were simple modernizations to meet new army standards.
Warning light is not working. But all the parts are there.
Price 19999,00 Euros. Pick up in the Netherlands

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